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1. Stayer DR, Ashcraft KW. Pediatric preoperative fasting and the use of pharmacologic agents. Anesthesiology clinics of North America. 2002 Sep;20(3):455-71. (斯泰尔DR,阿什克拉夫特KW. 儿科术前禁食和药物使用. 北美麻醉学杂志. 2002年9月;20(3):455-71.)

2. Kharasch ED, Hoffer C, Whittington D, Sheffels P. Role of hepatic and intestinal cytochrome P450 3A and 2B6 in the metabolism, disposition, and miotic effects of methadone. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2004 May;75(5):372-82.(卡拉舒ED,霍费尔C,惠京顿D,谢弗斯P. 肝肠细胞色素P450 3A和2B6在美沙酮代谢、排泄和瞳孔收缩作用中的作用. 临床药理学和治疗学. 2004年5月;75(5):372-82.)

3. Campbell CM, France CR, Robinson ME, Logan HL, Geisser ME, Fillingim RB. Ethnic differences in diffuse noxious inhibitory controls. The journal of pain. 2008 Dec 1;9(12):999-1008.(坎贝尔CM,弗朗斯CR,罗宾逊ME,洛根HL,格赛尔ME,菲林汉姆RB. 弥散噪音抑制控制的种族差异. 疼痛杂志. 2008年12月1日;9(12):999-1008.)

4. Shafer SL, Varvel JR. Pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and rational opioid selection. Anesthesiology. 1991 Mar;74(3):495-514.(沙弗SL,瓦尔韦尔JR. 药代动力学、药效学和合理的阿片选择. 麻醉学. 1991年3月;74(3):495-514.)

5. Coderre TJ, Katz J, Vaccarino AL, Melzack R. Contribution of central neuroplasticity to pathological pain: review of clinical and experimental evidence. Pain.1993 Dec;52(3):259-85.(科德瑞TJ,卡茨J,瓦卡里诺AL,梅尔扎克R. 中枢神经可塑性对病理性疼痛的贡献: 临床和实验证据回顾. 疼痛. 1993年12月;52(3):259-85.)

6. Stoelting RK, Hillier SC. Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic Practice. Fourth Edition. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams &Wilkins, 2006.(斯托尔廷RK,希利尔SC. 麻醉实践中的药理学和生理学. 第4版. 费城:利普科特威廉姆斯和威尔基斯,2006年.)

7. Eisenach JC, Hansson P, Thompson JM. Novel local anesthetic-like inhibitors of neuropathic pain. Best practice & research Clinical anaesthesiology. 2002 Dec 1;16(4):565-80.(艾森克JC,汉松P,汤普森JM. 新型神经病理性疼痛样局部麻醉抑制剂. 临床麻醉学最佳实践和研究. 2002年12月1日;16(4):565-80.)

8. Yaksh TL. Opioid receptor systems and the endorphins. Spine. 1993 May 15;18(7):882-93.(耶克什TL. 阿片受体系统和内啡肽. 脊柱. 1993年5月15日;18(7):882-93.)

9. Watcha MF. Newer antiemetics for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesthesiology clinics of North America. 2002 Sep;20(3):573-89.(沃查MF. 治疗术后恶心和呕吐的新型抗恶心药物. 北美麻醉医学杂志. 2002年9月;20(3):573-89.)

10. Kruger L, Light AR. The central role of the dorsal root ganglion in sensory integration in the spinal cord. Progress in neurobiology. 1994 Apr 1;43(1):27-66.(克鲁格L,莱特AR. 背根神经节在脊髓感觉整合中的中心作用. 神经生物学进展. 1994年4月1日;43(1):27-66.)
